Monday, July 7, 2008

Filene's Basement

Yes this post is about a clothing store that does not actually sell it's own clothes; it sells name brand clothes for a cheap price!  It's great.  My mom shops there all the time, and since I had nothing better to do today since it was raining, I went up there with her.  At the men's section I noticed they had an assortment of name brands; American Eagle, Affliction, Ed Hardy, Ralph, ect.  I picked up 2 Affliction shirts, both were $30.  Being that the total of these two shirts was the price of about one shirt, with some exceptions for the very expensive ones, I was pumped.  Then I picked up two nice pairs of jeans that you can find in Nordstrom's for $30 a pair.  These were some great discounts!  If you're broke and trying to save some money, but still look fresh, check this place out!  Look at the bags they give you too...

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